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Thursday, July 23, 2020


Trump, who is doing horribly with suburban women in polls, tries to get them back ...

Nope. Trump might have had more luck with women ... women, not "housewives" ... if, I don't know, perhaps he wasn't an accusdd rapist and sex offender, or if he hadn't committed adultery numerous times, or if he hadn't told teenage Ivanka to get a boob job, or if he didn't work to take women's contraception off their health care, or if he didn't try to doom legal abortion, or if he didn't berate women reporters, or if he wasn't sending his goons to attack the Portland wall of moms, or if he hadn't given well-wishes to accused sex trafficker Ghislaine Maxwell, etc, etc, etc.

Also, Trump fails at this because, as always, he tries to appeal to people's worst instincts - in this case, racism (Trump administration ends Obama fair housing rule). Trump projects his own rotten interior on to everyone else, but most of us "housewives" actually have a moral compass.


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