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Monday, July 27, 2020

In the Great Northwest

Wall of Moms, Black Lives Matter protesters sue Trump administration for use of tear gas, force in Portland

[...] In the lawsuit filed Monday, which was convened by the nonprofit organization Protect Democracy, protesters allege they “have been tear-gassed night after night, left vomiting and unable to eat or sleep because of the toxic poison blasted at them. They have been shot at over and over — with rubber bullets, bean bags, pepper spray, and a range of other projectiles fired at close range and with brutal effect. They have had flash-bang explosive devices detonated right in front of them. They have been forced to speak and assemble in fear of not just bodily harm, but the possibility of sudden arrest without probable cause.” ...

We shouldn't allow Trump and the conservative media to misrepresent what's happening at these mostly peaceful protests in the Great Northwest ("the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances"). Trump is making matters worse in order to make himself look capable and strong with his private militia, all so he can get re-elected. And I think there's a further future motive - this militia stationed at polling places to scare away voters, this militia used to back Trump up if he loses the election and refuses to leave.


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