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Sunday, January 12, 2025


Among tens of thousands of displaced Angelenos, celebrities face the same devastating losses

Is it just me? When I see headlines like this, I do feel some compassion for those whose homes and neighborhoods have been lost to fire, but I can't help thinking that those living in the expensive areas, those who are rich and famous, will be ok. They still own their property, probably have insurance, and most likely have more than one home. Not to mention, just money.

At the same time that people in L.A. are being burned out, there are a lot of homeless people in California as well. Homelessness went up 18% in the US last year (and 12% the year before). Those people don't have any property, no insurance, no extra abodes, no money. They have nothing. But the news almost never writes aboit them, excpt as some kind of plague we normal people want to get out of sight. Where is the compassion for them?


Blogger Katherine Nielsen said...

I feel sorry for anyone who has lost their home, but you are right, if they have money they will rebuild and be okay.
The homeless will be even worse off than they were before. The shelters they might have stayed at will be gone, as well as any places they could have hung out to get out of the elements. Hopefully when the authorities gave the evacuation orders, they would have sent transportation to pick up the homeless.

4:29 PM  
Blogger crystal said...

I didn't think of that, but yes it will make things even worse for them.

8:38 PM  

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