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Saturday, September 09, 2023


It seems Republican politicians have decided to change their label of "pro-life" to "pro-baby" because after the Dobbs decision, it has become excruciatingly clear to everyone that "pro-life" does not mean pro-life. And the idea that Republican politicians are pro-baby is also ludicrous. If they were, they wouldn't be always trying to cut Medicaid and food stamps.

Imagine how refreshing it would be if Republican politicians actually told voters the truth, and said ...

"I'm pro-misogyny and I make no apology for that. I'm for diminishing women's autonomy and agency. I'm for taking awaay whatever legal rights they have. I'm for dragging them back to a time when they couldn't vote, when they existed to cook, clean, provide sex, and birth replacements, as God intended. A total ban on abortion is just the first step."


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