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Sunday, May 12, 2024

Field hospital

On Meet the Press today, Kristen Welker and Tony Blinken perpetuated the idea that Israel is unable to rpovide services to Gazans who evacuate from Rafah to go to the designated humanitarian zone of Al Mawasi. But there are services there.

One such service is a field hosptal provided and run by the International Medical Corps. At their websire, you can read more, but here's a bit about their field hospital in the designated humanitarian zone of Al Mawasi ...

International Medical Corps has deployed two field hospitals in Gaza to help provide civilians with the healthcare they need.

The larger field hospital—initially deployed to Rafah in early January, but moved to Al Mawasi in early April—currently has 140 beds for patients with a wide range of needs, with beds to support the emergency room, beds in a Level 1 intensive-care unit, operating theaters, a fully stocked pharmacy, X-ray and ultrasound machines, a laboratory and blood-transfusion services. It provides care 24/7 and is capable of serving more than 1,000 patients every day ...

And this is not the only field hospital in the designated humanitarian zone. There are several more, run by different internationa groups, including the UK. Listen to the Daily Briefing to hear more about this ...


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