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Tuesday, June 25, 2024


Half-million Gazans face ‘catastrophic’ hunger levels, U.N.-backed report says

So is there a famine in Gaza now? I recall Cindy McCain being on Meet the Press a couple of months ago saying that there is a "full-blown famine" in northern Gaza. But that turned out not to be true.

When there was a famine in Somalaia in 1992, over 200,000 people died. It seems like if a lot of people were dying of starvation in Gaza, Hamas' media office would be sure to tell us.

You read all the time in the news that aid trucks are not being allowed into Gaza. This isn't true. One place to check on the number of aid trucks getting in is COGAT ...

More info ...

Check out the State Dept Press Briefing at the top of the post for details on the problems with getting food distributed to people in Gaza ... the aid is going in, but the UN is refusing to distribute it because of the violence and looting by Gazans.

Experts: Northern Gaza spared famine, but 'sustained risk' remains

Key food security org finds no famine in Gaza, says previous assumptions wrong


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