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Monday, July 08, 2024

Josh Green

Josh Green, the governor of Hawaii, gives a really good endorsement for Joe Biden as the Democratic candidate. He was a doctor for many years before entering politics, and he doesn't think Biden's age is a negarive factor.

But the host of Meet the Press Now tried as gard as he could to get Green to say something negative about Biden. Reminds me of when Hilary was running, and the press was always saying, "But but but, the emails!" Now it's "But but but, the debate!" The press, the rich donors, and the pundits have turned what was one bad night into a contrived disaster, and only Trump willl benefit from that.


Blogger Jana said...

Yay -- thanks for sharing this, Crystal!

10:17 AM  
Blogger crystal said...

Thanks, Jana.

1:37 AM  

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