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Saturday, July 20, 2024

Smoke-filled room

- AOC talks aboit the effort to remove Biden (and Harris)

Smoke-filled room ... In U.S. political jargon, a smoke-filled room (sometimes called a smoke-filled back room) is an exclusive, sometimes secret political gathering or round-table-style decision-making process. The phrase is generally used to suggest an inner circle of power brokers, a cabal of the powerful or well-connected acting to make decisions without regard for the will of the larger group.

Elizabeth Warren was on The Weekend today, and the first question she was asked was whether she was with Biden, or was one of those who wanted a different candidate.

Her answer was so disingenuous and passive-aggressive, and an example of what all of the Democrats who want Biden to leave have been doing.

First there's the "oh, Joe Biden has been such a good president, oh his legacy will be great, oh I just really love him". And then there is the lie, oops, I mean misdirection ... Warren says "Biden has a really big decision to make".

She and they know, as well as all of us know, that Biden has already make his decision, and has articulated it a million times, in public ... he is the candidate and he is running.

Then Warren went on to talk up Kamala Harris, the implication being, I guess, that she will support Harris to take Biden's place (she doesn't actually say that, though). And, as AOC has said, if you think the people who want to remove Biden are going to support Kamala Harris, think again - they want to have a whole new ticket, just a couple of months before the election.

But see, Warren and the others of her ilk can't be honest - instead they must flood the zone with poop. If they say "Biden is too old, he's lost it, and if he runs he will drag me down and I may lose my job" ... well, not only will Biden voters hate them, Biden himself will be pissed.

And see, they can't make Biden mad! Because he has a vast majority of the delegates and the only way they can get those delegates is to convince Biden to voluntarily give them over.

So there is this endless campaign, waged in the public view, to convince the voters Biden doesn't really want to be president again, and to convince Biden that he is dragging down the party with his hopeless and selfish attempt to retain power.

God, I hate these people. Because they are lying. And because they are moral cowards. They don't have the decency to be straightforward about what they want and why. And they don't have the decency to honor the millions of votes from millions of Democrats who voted for Joe Biden to be the candidate.

I thought they were all about "democacy" and "the will of the people". Nope, they are about securing their power and their money.


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