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Tuesday, September 10, 2024

The Debate

I'm watching it now.

I'm at the point where Trump is lying about the Democratic abortion policy .... that it is ok now to "execute" a baby after it is born. Do Republican voters actually believe this crap? At least the ABC hosts pointed out after his rant that there is no state in America where it is legal to kill a baby after it is born.

I read that part of the Harris strategy for the debate was to make Trump lose his cool, and I think that effort is working. Trump is now going on and on about immigration, from his plan to deport millons, to the idea that immigrants are eating our pets. Harris is smiling.

Now the upset Trump is going on about crime. He says it's really bad now, but David Muir points out that the FBI disagrees. Boy, Trump does hate the FBI - he's accusing them of lying. This is a great opportunity for Harris to point out that Trump is a convited crook, and she takes it. Is that smoke coming out of Trump's ears?

Uh oh - Trump is talking out of his acceptable time period. Isn't his mic supposed to be muted when it's not his turn? He's going on about how Biden's DOJ has been weaponized against him. Persecution complex on display.

Hah - the moderators are asking Harris why she has changed her stance on things like fracking and healthcare for all. The answer seems obvious ... she wants to win over more centrist voters ... but I don't think she's going to admit that. As a progressive, I'm disappointed in her change in policy. She went on for a bit, but still didn't mention why she changed her position on fracking. Trump is taking advantage of this opportunity to list all the changes she had made in her stance. Ouch.

Oh, now the moderators are asking Trump about the Jan 6 riot. Trump denies all responsibility. He says Nancy Pelosi was responsible for security on that day, not him ... a bold-faced lie. Now Harris is commenting on Jan 6, and I think Trump's hair may soon burst into flame.

Yep, Trump's self-destructing now. He's going on about how he really won the last election. He didn't really lose them. It was all rigged. Hard to see how anyone not a member of the Trump cult could believe this rubbish.

Now they're being asked about the Israeli/Hamas war. I don't like Harris' answer .... immediate end to war with release of hostages, and a 2 state solution. It's hard to understand what Trump's answer is on this ... gobbledygook.

Om Ukraine, Trump says he'd make a deal between Russia and Ukraine because Putin likes him so much. Now he rants about NATO.

They talk about Afghanistan. Nobody does well.

Racism comes up. Then the economy. Then healthcare. Guns - hmmm - Harris is a gun owner? And climate change. And Trump brings up Hunter Biden/China.

Help. I'm pooped. How much more is there? At this point I don't care about anything anymore. Oh good - closing statements.

I'm not thrilled with Harris. I heard someone comment that she is the candidate for everyone. That's not true. She is the candidate for the middle class. Yes, that's better than Trump as the candidate for the rich and the crazy, but I'm sad to say that I doubt I will ever see a candidate in my lifetime who is for the poor, the disabled, the homeless, the elderly. Cuz, you know, they don't vote, do they? But anyway, I do think Trump lost the debate. I must say, credit goes to ABC news and David Muir and Linsey Davis for having the courage to ask the questions that really matter and for not backing down in the face of Trump's anger.


Blogger Katherine Nielsen said...

I didn't watch the debate, too stressful. But I have been reading the coverage today. Sounds like he lost his s**t. Of course that's not new. But it was like he didn't even prep. Said stuff about health care, that he "had the concept of a plan". What does that even mean? Harris talked about policy. One may not like her plans. But he just talked nonsense about Haitians eating cats and dogs. And how America is such a bad place. If people vote for him there's something wrong with their brains.

1:03 PM  
Blogger crystal said...

Yes, when he said that about having a concept of a plan, it reminded me of the Guardians of the Galaxy movie, where the main character said he had 17& of a plan :) It did go pretty badly for him. maybe some undecided voters will realize what a bad president he would make.

2:33 PM  

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