Jesus of Nazareth - part 2a

- Peter, Jesus, Matthew, and Judas
I've decided to split my post on the second half of the film Jesus of Nazareth into two parts: this one, which goes from my earlier post up until the last supper, and 2b, which will be from the last supper through the resurrection.
There was a lot in this part - conspiring by the zealots to get Jesus to help their rebellion, discord at the temple in Jerusalem, Jesus preaching, healing. One odd thing about this film as opposed to Jesus is the distance between Jesus and his mother - they don't hang out at all until he's about to be crucified. And one thing I hadn't remembered from the other times I saw the film - how emotional Jesus is. I remembered him as being rather low affect but actually he does laugh and at times gets quite angry. He's really growing on me :)
Here are some screen captures ....

- he calls Lazarus forth

- Mary Magdalene being forgiven by Jesus after washing his feet with her tears. I think there's been only one Jesus movie in which Mary M wasn't (wrongly) portrayed as a prostitute ... BBC's The Passion, thanks to Mark Goodacre

- Jesus gazes at the man born blind

- Jesus writing in the sand as he deflects the killing of the woman caught in adultery with the words, Let he who has not sinned cast the first stone.
If you think the phrase "hang out" is appropriate to describe a relationship between a mother and a son, especially This Mother and This Son, then you're in great need of help....
Ooooh, Amalia, get over yourself. If you don't have anything good to say, don't pretend its Christian, just close your mouth.
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