
Sunday, April 21, 2024

The Supreme Court and the homeless

I find it incredible that as a country, we are sending hundreds of truckloads of aid to Gaza every day (and even more before the war) but we are too cruel to help our own citizens who have fallen on hard times. If the Supreme Court makes says it's ok to criminalize homelessness, it will be a moral and actual disaster.

People don't want to believe this, but homelessness can happen to anyone ... anyone ... given enough misfortune. All it can take is a sudden disability, a lost job, a lack of family or friends who can help.

Many think that the homeless are homeless because they have mental problems or because they misuse drugs. But lots of people who are not homeless have mental problems or misuse drugs ... the difference netween the two groups is that one of them does not have enough money for a place to live. Homelessness is caused by not having ehough money to have a dwelling.

Why oh why does the government not look to other countries that have been more sucessful in lowering homelessness, like Finland? I think it is because buried deep in the American psyche is the belief that being poor is a moral failure, that people must pull themselves up by their bootstraps, that helping the poor is a waste of our hard earned money.

Finland ends homelessness and provides shelter for all in need

In Finland, the number of homeless people has fallen sharply. The reason: The country applies the “Housing First” concept. Those affected by homelessness receive a small apartment and counselling – without any preconditions. 4 out of 5 people affected thus make their way back into a stable life. And: All this is cheaper than accepting homelessness ...


  1. What I really don't understand is the practice of fining people for camping in a public place because there is no place else for them to be. How can they pay a fine if they don't even have enough money to rent a place? And then the fines pile up, and even if they do manage to get enough money for a deposit, the landlord is going to look at their credit record and see that they owe fines. They will probably refuse to rent to them because of that. So the problem self-perpetuates.

  2. I think it's a way to eventually lock them away, either in jail or some facility. It's just a way to make the problem "disappear".
