
- Nick Cage in Knowing
I miss watching movies on my computer since my old machine died - the replacement can't read DVDs - but my sister pointed me towards a site where you can watch movies on your computer freely (and legally) ... hulu. The movies aren't new, but there are some good ones, and they seem to regularly change. Some that they have now - Gatacca, Sideways, Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World, Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels, A River Runs Through It, etc. They also have some old tv series episodes and film trailers.

- Caleb finds a strange message from the past in Knowing
One movie trailer I thought looked really promising was that for the upcoming science fiction film Knowing. It stars Nick Cage, is directed by the guy who made Dark City, and has a story written by Ryne Pearson, who wrote the book Mercury Rising, from which the movie of the same name was adapted. Here below is a bit about the movie from /film, First Look: Nicolas Cage in Alex Proyas’ Knowing ......
Summit Entertainment has provided USA Today with our first official look at Nicolas Cage in Alex Proyas‘ Knowing. Proyas gained critical acclaim for his 1998 sci-fi thriller Dark City (an essential of any true film geek), but I’ve been extremely unimpressed with his follow-up efforts (I, Robot and Garage Days). Knowing certainly sounds interesting, but then again, so did an adaptation of Asimov’s stories.
The official plot synopsis follows: In 1958, as part of the dedication ceremony for a new elementary school, a group of students is asked to draw pictures to be stored in a time capsule. But one of the students, a mysterious girl who seems to hear whispered voices, fills her sheet of paper with rows of apparently random numbers instead.
Fast forward 50 years to the present: A new generation of students examines the contents of the time capsule and the girl’s cryptic message ends up in the hands of young CALEB MYLES. But it is Caleb’s father, professor TED MYLES (Nicolas Cage), who makes the startling discovery that the encoded message predicts with pinpoint accuracy the dates, death tolls and coordinates of every major disaster of the past 50 years. As Ted further unravels the document’s secrets, he realizes it foretells three additional events-the last of which hints at destruction on a global scale and seems to somehow involve Ted and his son. When Ted’s attempts to alert the authorities fall on deaf ears, he takes it upon himself to try to prevent more destruction from taking place.
This gripping supernatural thriller charts one man’s faltering steps towards belief in the ultimate order of the universe even as he finds himself surrounded by mounting chaos. With the reluctant help of DIANA WHELAN (Rose Byrne) and ABBY, the daughter and granddaughter of the now-deceased author of the cryptic prophecies, Ted’s increasingly desperate efforts take him on a heart-pounding race against time until he finds himself facing the ultimate disaster-and the ultimate sacrifice.
I don't know if the movie will turn out to be good or not, but it raises interesting questions .... do we really want to know the future, our future, other peoples' future, and if we somehow end up knowing it, and it looks very bad, do we have some responsibility to try to change it?
Here's the YouTube of the trailer ....
hulu has a US-only policy. For some people the world is larger than the US.
Jan Krans,
Thanks - I didn't realize it was just for the US. I think it's owned by CBS (and Fox?). Do you know of any international sites?
Very interesting stuff!
I'm glad that I can't see the future and I daily ask God not to let me know any more than I need to know.
The closest that I ever get to really learning from movies is to imagine that my soul and/or spirit are in the movies themselves and the bigger their role is the more I seem to enjoy "IT" "What ever "IT" is?
I could go on and on but would "IT" really be me, myself and/or I disguised as my soul and/or spirit? God only knows!
Are you teasing me Crystal or is it just God’s Angels having a little fun with US?
I know that many would say that I am just being silly but not you though! Right Crystal? :)
God Bless,
Nope, not me :)
I don't know if the movie will turn out to be good or not
Hard to imagine Nicholas Cage in a bad movie. Cough. Ah, but we've already had the Nicholas Cage discussion... :-)
What's interesting to me is why some people want so badly to know our future and why their scenarios are always so bleak. I say this having grown up in the environment. Interesting that so many Christians are interested in prophecy in terms of telling the future but not in terms of social justice, which was usually what the prophets were getting at.
There must be some ever-present anxiety among human beings about their existence that causes many of them to foretell apocalyptic endings. Our fear of death transformed into a generalized fear of the death of humanity?
I would think we have a responsibility to try and change things if the outlook was bleak. God usually had the prophets telling things to the people precisely so they would change their ways. And I simply don't want to go down without a fight.
But then I don't believe much of anything modern-day prophets have to say. I think they're desperate for attention.
Even secular prophecies like the perils of global Warming have to be taken with a grain of salt. All you need to do is go back through history and read all of the various doomsday scenarios intelligent people have come up with in the past to see that most of them don't play out the way we expected.
Y2K anybody?
Hi William,
Hard to imagine Nicholas Cage in a bad movie. Cough
Ha :) I still have mental images of The Wickerman that I haven't been able to exounge - ugh!
Yeah, what you said reminded me of the book Silent Spring - I was really worried at the time that eventually there would be no more birds because of pesticides. I'm sure it's taken a toll, but not as badly as the book predicted. One the other hand, something bad has been happening to the bess, so ....
Exisrential anxiety. Sometimes I pull out the tarot cards and try to see what's coming up but it usually doesn't make sense.
Meant "expunge"
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