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Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Gary Wills on Paul

Here is a video of Gay Wills talking about his book What Paul Meant. I found both his talk, and his answers to questions asked by the audience afterward, very interesting - I've always sort of hated Paul because I saw him as a misogynist, a homophobe, and something of a snake-oil salesman :) but Gary Wills paints a picture of him that's quite different (though I still think Paul falls down in the slavery dept.) ......


Blogger Liam said...

I read his book on Paul. I thought it was interesting, but I also thought he was mean to St Luke when he was debating the historical value of Acts vs. the Pauline epistles.

I have problems with Paul as well, but since he's the earliest writer in the NT, I feel I can't just dismiss him. Too many people take his writings out of context (usually they're letters answering specific questions, and they represent only one interpretation of apostolic Christianity) and quote him as if what he wrote was written on stone tablets by God him(her)self.

5:16 AM  
Blogger crystal said...

He was mean to Luke in his talk too :) I never paid much attention to Paul though I'd read he was the earliest written account because I was afraid to read stuff I didn't want to know. I didn't realized how nuanced the whole thing is.

10:44 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you, Crystal, for this video. It was very informative, and certainly interesting -- it holds your attention. I found this to be a very good addition to the "Year of Paul."

5:03 PM  

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