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Friday, April 02, 2010

Tasting The Darkness of Good Friday

Here's part of a past post by Fr. Ron Rolheiser that really touched me ....


Tasting The Darkness of Good Friday

[...] Good Friday, in Luke's words, is when darkness has its hour. What does that taste like?

* Whenever we find ourselves outside the circle of health and vibrancy, on a sick bed alone, with the sure knowledge that, despite the love and support of family and friends, in the end it is us, by ourselves, who face disability and disfigurement, who have to lose a breast or an organ to surgery, who face chemotherapy and maybe death, when we are alone inside of that, alone inside of fear, we are feeling what Jesus felt on Good Friday.

* Whenever we find ourselves alone inside duty, bound by moral chains we cannot explain, tied down in our freedom so as to be seen as too timid, too frigid, too afraid to pick up our own lives, when innocence and duty are seen as a weakness, when circumstance steals away our dreams and what we would want for ourselves we need to give to others, we are feeling what Jesus felt on Good Friday.

* Whenever we are misunderstood and because of that are made to look weak, bad, wrong, when we have to live with a misunderstanding that makes us look bad in the eyes of others, we are feeling what Jesus felt on Good Friday.

* Whenever we experience the pain of inadequate self-expression, when there are symphonies inside us that will never see the light of day because we cannot express ourselves, when we feel the pain that comes from knowing that most of what is best inside us will die with us, unexpressed, seemingly wasted, we are feeling what Jesus felt on Good Friday.

* Whenever we find ourselves the object of jealousy, animosity, and threat because of what we believe in, when what is virtue in us is made to look like selfishness, when we are made to feel shame for what we believe in, when what is precious to us is deemed offensive to others, we are feeling what Jesus felt on Good Friday.

* Whenever we find ourselves alone and lost, before aging, before the loss of health, before the loss of sexual attractiveness and our former place in life, and before the loss of life itself, we are feeling the loneliness of dying and we are feeling what Jesus felt on Good Friday.

* Whenever we are unfairly made to be a victim, when we are made to carry someone else's sickness, we are feeling what Jesus felt at Calvary and we are tasting the darkness of Good Friday.

When we taste that bitterness there is little else to say other than what Jesus said when he was arrested in the Garden of Gethsemane and led away to humiliation and death: "But this is your hour - the triumph of darkness."

We know what that means. All of us have moments when our world falls apart and when, as the Book of Lamentations says, all we can do is put our mouths to the dust and wait. Wait for what? Wait for darkness and death to have their hour, wait for (as Matthew says in his Passion account) the curtain of the temple to be torn from top to bottom, and the earth to shake, and the rocks to split open, and the graves to open and to show themselves to be empty.



Blogger Deacon Denny said...

Very poetic post. I sure like Ron Rolheiser.

I'm in a good Good Friday mood -- somewhat somber & subdued. Led a service at the hospital, and Stations of the Cross back here at the parish. Waiting for tonight's main parish service.

Rolheiser is a good companion right now. There are so many ways that the Passion connects with the passion of our lives, if we can really open ourselves to that.

Thanks, Crystal.

4:51 PM  
Blogger crystal said...

Denny, thanks for the comment. It sounds like you're pretty busy, and helping others, as usual. I'm in a Good Friday mood too - thinking that Jesus understands how I feel when things are bad really is comforting, though.

6:47 PM  
Blogger Cura Animarum said...

Big fan of Rolheiser. Loved his Good Friday column and all of his Lenten series.

Hope the transformation from Good Friday to Easter has been a good one for you Crystal.

10:58 AM  
Blogger crystal said...


Thanks. I think I'm still stuck in good friday mode :/

2:33 PM  

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