I can't believe it - more drilling planned

I saw a post at America magazine's blog today about the toll that's being taken on wildlife due ro the oil spill - The Deadly Spill - it's worth a read.
But also worth note is something I hadn't been aware of - even with this awful example of what offshore drilling can do, there's more planned ....
APNewsBreak: Feds Approve New Gulf Oil Well Off La
Federal regulators approved Wednesday the first new Gulf of Mexico oil well since President Barack Obama lifted a brief ban on drilling in shallow water, even while deepwater projects remain frozen after the massive BP spill.
The Minerals Management Service granted a new drilling permit sought by Bandon Oil and Gas for a site about 50 miles off the coast of Louisiana and 115 feet below the ocean's surface. It's south of Rockefeller State Wildlife Refuge and Game Preserve, far to the west of the Deepwater Horizon oil rig that triggered the BP spill.
Obama last week extended a moratorium on wells in deep water like the BP one that blew out a mile below the surface in April and is gushing millions of gallons of oil. But at the same time, the president quietly allowed a three-week-old ban on drilling in shallow water to expire. ....
And .....
BP plans to move ahead with offshore oil drilling in Arctic
This fall, BP hopes to pull off a record-setting feat: Using a high-tech drill from a gravel island in the Beaufort Sea, it plans to reach two miles deep, turn and bore another six to eight miles horizontally to tap an oil reservoir in federal waters.
The moratorium imposed on new deep-water drilling and drilling in Arctic waters, imposed in the aftermath of the Gulf spill and BP's inability to contain the leak, imploded Royal Dutch Shell's plans to begin exploratory drilling in Alaska this summer. But BP still has hope of seeing its latest Alaska venture succeed.
Wednesday, the U.S. government confirmed the drilling "pause" does not apply to BP's new project, called Liberty.
"The deep-water moratorium does not apply to this particular project, which is based from a man-made island and would potentially be drilling directionally into formations under shallow water. If drilling permit applications are submitted for the project, the Department of the Interior will review them at the appropriate time and determine, based on safety and other considerations, whether the project should move forward with drilling under federal waters," said Kendra Barkoff, a spokesperson for the U.S. Department of the Interior ...
I'm so angry about this :(
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