Jesus and Mary M conversing over a campfire ...

Mary: If I were a man I would be your most loyal disciple.
Jesus: Those who speak for me are my disciples.
- from the movie Jesus
Tomorrow is the feast day of Mary Magdalene. I like her, in part, I think, because she's been wrongly portrayed as a prostitute for so long (thanks to Pope Greg), and because she didn't have the family-in with Jesus that Martha and Mary had .... I wonder if she wondered how Jesus felt about her. Maybe she found out when she was the first to see him resurrected.
If you want to learn more about her, you can listen to Duke NT professor Mark Goodacre's podcast - Mary Magdalene: the first Woman Apostle
Hi Crystal --
Mary Magdalene: the "apostle to the apostles"... I love John's whole Resurrection passage, when Mary comes to the tomb, finds the stone rolled away, tearfully brings back Peter and another (we assume John), and when they leave, she encounters Jesus. I can really imagine her crying out, "Rabbouni!!" It's maybe the most joyful encounter in the whole of scripture.
Hi Denny - I really like that part too :)
Just stopped by to say hello and by the way some of Tiger's cells also want to say hi. :)
As far as Mary Magdalene is concerned, some of U>S have not always been fair to her but as far as me, myself and i are concerned, if she was a friend of Jesus then she's a friend OF all our cells also.
Hi Victor,
It's good to hear from you! Say hi to Tiger for me :)
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