I've never been an avid follower of the saints and I'm really only aware of those famous enough to have had movies made about them -- movies like the film Vision about Hildegard of Bingen ...
I haven't seen the movie yet either - I'm worried I won't be able to read the sub-titles. I do like the trailer, though, and it's probably the only movie about her that will ever get made, so maybe it's worth a try?
I wasn't raised in a religion, though my family was sort of culturally Protestant Christian, I guess. I was an agnostic/atheist before I became a Catholic (and was for a while after too). It was an Ignatian retreat that really "converted" me, that helped me come to believe God exists.
That's a good idea. I suggest Ben Kingsley as Inigo!
No, no! Colin Farrell :)
Or, oK, maybe Jeremy Irons.
What are your thought on "Vision?" I have had it in my Nflix Q for awhile Obliged. Oh, and what were you converted from? your profile is a bit thin.
I haven't seen the movie yet either - I'm worried I won't be able to read the sub-titles. I do like the trailer, though, and it's probably the only movie about her that will ever get made, so maybe it's worth a try?
I wasn't raised in a religion, though my family was sort of culturally Protestant Christian, I guess. I was an agnostic/atheist before I became a Catholic (and was for a while after too). It was an Ignatian retreat that really "converted" me, that helped me come to believe God exists.
Amen to that Crystal!
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