Tuesday/Wednesday in Jerusalem

It seems almost like the days between Palm Sunday and the last supper don't exist - the readings for Tuesday and Wednesday are about the events of Thursday, and this week of the Ignatian online retreat given by Creighton University is about Friday (Jesus Dies for Us ).
I want to think about Tuesday and Wednesday - what might Jesus have been doing on those days while in Jerusalem? According to Wikipedia, the Synoptic Gospels have Jesus' entry into Jerusalem followed by the Cleansing of the Temple episode, as well as his mention of the widow's mite, his dust-up with some Scribes and Pharisees, and his Olivet discourse. And then there was Judas machinating as well.
Overall it seems like a grim few days. I don't really like Holy Week, I guess - except for Easter, it seems to be all about failure, goodbyes, confrontations, suffering and death - still, I'm trying to keep Jesus company.
Hmm, just yesterday I was mulling over what would be appropriate to post from Jerusalem for these intermediate days of Holy Week. I wondered what, if anything, had happened back then.
Your post comes as an answer. Thank you.
Jesus surely appreciates your keeping him company. To "stay and watch" with him now is not easy.
Thanks, Dina. I'm sure anything you posted would be interesting. I often wonder what the places in the readings look like - the mount of olives, for instance. I t hink you had a post about that a few months ago (maybe?). It's great to be able to see the photos at your blog :)
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