All love is unrequited

On this Day of the Dead, I wanted to remember one of the characters of Babylon 5, Marcus the Ranger, who died in the episode I watched tonight. Marcus was kind of a sad character: after losing his whole family and his home, he had become a Ranger to fight against the evil Shadows (see my earlier post) and upon joining the group at Babylon 5 space station, he fell in love with the station XO, Ivanova, who at best allowed him to be a friendly aquaintance. In tonight's episode, she was critically injured in a terrible battle and dying, and Marcus hooked them both up to an alien device that delivered his life force to her, saving her and killing him.

After, conforting Ivanova, the doctor, Stephen, mentioned Marcus' unrequited love for her and she said, "All love is unrequited." Here's a video that has all the important bits. Sad :( ...
(((In tonight's episode, she was critically injured in a terrible battle and dying, and Marcus hooked them both up to an alien device that delivered his life force to her, saving her and killing him.)))
Funny that you would talk about dying of one of your movie stars Crystal.
I hope that I don't get charged for murder cause I've killed sinner vic
Long story short, there's so much that I want to tell you Crystal but I just don't know how to do "IT" now that sinner vic is dead.
There's a dream that I had last night about a dead friend.
There's a movie that my wife and I went and saw after Mass
There's a LOT more but I just don't know how to do "IT" by myself. Do you think that me, myself and i could borrow some of your magic crystals and bring his spirit back to life NOW?
GOD Bless Peace
Hi Victor :)
Nice movie list on this blog! I love watching unrequited love movies a lot. I think watching these kind of movies is far better than going for superheroes movies as those never made any sense to me.
Thanks :)
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