Catacombs of Priscilla

As I read the church's dismissive disclaimers ("This is a fairy tale, a legend") of the possibility that the recently renovated Catacombs of Priscilla show a fresco of a woman presiding as a priest, I was reminded of Planet of the Apes and the scene in which Charlton Heston comes upon the semi-buried statue of liberty, proving that humans had not always been a subjugated lower animal on that planet ;) I'm not saying the fresco *does* show that women were once priests - that's for the experts to decide - but the Vatican, with its boatload of ulterior motives on this issue, is the last place I'd turn for an unbiased opinion.
This Sunday we led our RCIA group through the rite of acceptance. After several nonfatal irregularities and notable miscues with our Monsignor, we managed to complete the rite all candidates and catetecumens accounted for. Later our dynamic faith formation director apologized and expressed her exasperation and stated very seriously "when women are priests these things will go much more smoothly. " ...and they will too.
I've forgotten so much about RCIA class. We had a husband/wife team for facilitators. The priest wasn't part of the process at all, maybe because the facilitators seemed to really dislike him for some reason. But I liked him - he was from Ireland :)
I like our priest and our faith formation director but there always seems to be this almost institutional communication deficit. Oh well it keeps things interesting and sometimes humorously unpredictable :)
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