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Monday, September 24, 2018

Avenatti on Rachel Maddow show

Michael Avenatti was on Rachel Maddow's show tonight, talking about his most recent client, a woman who is said to be both a victim of and a witness to what was essentially the gang-raping of inebriated women by Kavanaugh and his friends while he was in school ...

I probably don't need to add that I believe the women who have come forward against Kavanaugh. He has shown himself to be a liar in his testimony on other subjects and he has shown his contempt for women in his conservative Catholic views on contraception and abortion. I'd give him the benefit of the doubt if he would ask for an FBI investigation to clear his name, but he won't. Why not? It seems obvious he is afraid of what the FBI will unearth. Hopefully Avenatti's client will shed some light.


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