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Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Cardinal Pell found guilty of sex abuse

Third-Ranking Vatican Official Convicted of Sexually Abusing Choir Boys

Also in the news is that the Pope has let Pell (and a few other clerics) go from his top adviser group. This almost sounds good, but it isn't .... the Pope has not fired Pell from his important job as Vatican treasurer, nor has he issued one word of criticism for Pell.

And it's not like he didn't have a clue. Pell has had a bad reputation on sex abuse for decades - there's no way Pope Francis didn't know that when he chose him. Even his own sex abuse commission told him not to choose Pell in 2015, but he ignored them (Pope's commissioner for child protection says Cardinal Pell is a 'dangerous individual' and 'almost sociopathic').

I've been writing against Pell for the last five years. This post from last year has links to all or most of the things I've written about him, plus this video below with journalist David Marr which gives a view of Pell that's really chilling ...

But anyway, Pell will of course appeal the conviction, and the Pope will probably do nothing at all to him, certainly not un-cardinal him or fire him. If he is to be held accountable, it will have to be the civil authorities who do it, because the Pope doesn't seem to give a fig about the sexual abuse of children by his priests.


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