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Thursday, May 09, 2019

Calling out Trump Christians

In the news: Trump Administration Considering Changes That Would Redefine The Poverty Line ... The Trump administration is considering changing the way the government measures poverty, which has anti-poverty groups worried that many low-income individuals will be pushed off assistance programs such as food stamps, Medicaid and Head Start.

God damn it. Do the Trump people stay up all night searching for a new way every day to destroy people's lives? Without Medicaid I will have no dental insurance. Without Medicaid I will have no financial help with medications. Without Medicaid I won't be able to pay the 20% of medical bills that Medicare doesn't pay for. Without Medicaid, Medicare will deduct a monthly premium of more than $100 from my social security. Without Medicaid I will be screwed.

There are a lot of Christians in the Trump administration. Not just Evangelicals. Off the top of my head, here are some of the past and present Catholics ... Steve Bannon, Michael Flynn, John Kelly, Corey Lewandowski, Paul Manafort, Don McGahn, Emmet Flood, William Barr, Sean Spicer, Kellyanne Conway, Mick Mulvaney, etc.

If there's anything sure about what Jesus taught, it is that we all have an obligation to help people who are marginalized, to help people who are poor. Those who work for Trump (and actually, Republicans for years) have been doing the opposite, trying to get rid of those at the bottom so that they will have more for themselves. What the F is wrong with these people?


Anonymous Dyan said...

That behaviour from so-called "Christians" makes me incredibly angry too.

Matthew 7:21 comes to mind: “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven."

4:56 PM  
Blogger crystal said...

Hi Dyan. It wouldn't seem so bad if those Trump Republicans weren't always casting themselves as the only religious political party. At least Pete Buttigieg has shown that there is a religious Left as well.

6:36 PM  

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