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Friday, August 23, 2019

Cardinal Pell loses appeal

Cardinal Pell, found guilty of child sex abuse, has lost his appeal and must stay in prison. This is good news, but what is very discouraging is the number of Catholics - including the pope (Pope Refuses to Condemn Pedophile Cardinal Pell, Even After Losing Sex-Abuse Appeal) - are refusing to accept the verdicts against Pell.

I'm not surprised. Pell has been the darling of conservatives for decades, living a life of luxury and power first in Australia and more recently at the Vatican - they can't let a little thing like raping children get in the way of that. This is a miscarriage of justice!!! ... just ask the National Review (The Strange Case against Cardinal Pell).

I can't help thinking most Catholics just don't really care about sex abuse in the church. - it's become just sort of the cost of doing business.

For those few who might actually care about who Cardinal Pell has been and his involvement with child sex abuse, here's a past interview a few years ago with journalist David Marr on Australian TV about his essay on Pell, The Prince ...


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