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Thursday, May 19, 2022

Depp v Heard

I had not been following the Depp v. Heard trial, but every day I would see mentions of it in the news. Finally I decided to read the Wikipedia page about it (with all its sources) to catch up.

Now, at least, I understand who is suing who and why. And I think I have a good idea of the evidence that has been presented at the trial. What I don't understand, after reading all that, is why most people (more than 90%), and the media, have taken Depp's side.

Both Heard and Depp seem to be disturbed people who would be challenged in any close relationship, but from the uncontested evidence, it appears that Depp is a long term continuous substance abuser. That can be death on any relationship. Also uncontested seems to be the written, verbal, and physical abuse he's dealt to Heard.

Yes, she's responsible for some physical and verbal abusive too. But she's a woman (smaller, weaker), and she's a lot younger than Depp (20+ years), and she has a lot less money than Depp (less than 10 million to more than 100 million). She's fighting out of her weight class.

I don't have any reason to take Heard's side - I've never seen her in a film, and I have been a fan of Johnny Depp since he was on 21 Jump Street - but after all I've read, I think that Herd is the victim, both of Depp and of public sentiment.

It's not just me. Here's a good article from Buzzfeed: I Can’t Wait To Watch The Inevitable Documentary About How We All Wronged Amber Heard


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