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Friday, April 07, 2023

Abortion Pill

Isn't it precious the way pro-lifers like to make up their own words for already existing terms? Like "abortionist". Here on Earth 1 we've been calling them gynecologists. And "the unborn human" ... it sounds so much more impressive than "the fertilized egg", doesn't it?

And then there are the outright lies. The judge wrote ... Women who have aborted a child—especially through chemical abortion drugs that necessitate the woman seeing her aborted child once it passes—often experience shame, regret, anxiety, depression, drug abuse, and suicidal thoughts because of the abortion.

What a load of poop. Multiple studies have shown that most women who get abortions don't feel any regret ...

Researchers found that at five years after having an abortion, only 6% expressed primarily negative emotions. The overwhelming majority of women surveyed – 84% – had positive emotions or no emotions whatsoever .... The top emotion all the groups of women in the study said they felt at the end of the survey was relief. - The majority of women feel relief, not regret, after an abortion, study says

But of course, facts don't matter to the pro-life movement. I don't believe for a minute that this is about saving "the unborn". This is about controling women's bodies. The pro-life movement won't be satisfied until they've reduced women to something akin to livestock.


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