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Sunday, September 17, 2023

More Cheat the Press

If you are able to make yourself watch the interview with Trump long enough, you will comne to the part where they discuss abortion. I bring this up because Trump spouts lies, of course, but lies which Republicans constantly use to "flood the zone with sh*t".

What lies? Here they are.

1) Trump said that before the Dobbs decision, pro-life people had no rights to negotiate on abortion. Lie. Roe did allow states to make many laws negotiating how and when and who could get an abortion.

2) Here's the big one, which so many in the Republican party use ... Trump said that under Roe, abortions could be done up to the 9th month, and even after birth. What a bunch of BS. Read Roe, read The Women's Health Protection Act (WHPA). Both can be found online. You will see that abortions are only allowed up until the time of viability (24 weeks) unless a mother's health/life is at risk. But it sounds really awful, doesn't it? So let's lie about it some more ...

3) Trump then lied about how Democrats, before Dobbs, would ... "rip the baby out of the womb at 9 months. They are allowed to do that, and you shouldn't be allowed to do that." And guess what? No one, certainly not "Democrats", have ever had the right to do that. Trump knoew this. All the Republicans know this, but they love to say it over and over.

4) Again. Trump said "The Democrats are able to kill the baby after birth." This is a lie, but a candidate for president of the United States is allowed to tell the world that Democrats commit child sacrifice. And apparently that is ok. Gee, I wonder if this lie might excite his brain-dead zombie horde of followers to violence? Oh dear.

5) And again. Trump then said "You have New York state that has legislation where you're allowed to kill the baby after birth". A lie. Fact Check-Social media posts falsely claim New York passed a bill allowing for ‘abortions’ 28 days after birth. But people are going to believ this crap because he keeps saying it over and over again. Sigh :(

6) Then Trump promised, when he's president, both sides of the abortion debate will come together and agree on a plan, because Democrats now have decided they don't want late term abortions to be legal. Hey, you dope .... that was Roe v Wade! You know, the constitutional right you destroyed .... it limited abortion up to the point of viability (24 weeks) unless a mother's health/life was at risk. But that wasn't good enough for "pro-life" people.

Well, no help from Welker. She sucks as a fact checker, especially in real time. Could she not at least say about the most egregious lie Trump made, that Democrats kill babies after they are born, that never has it been legal in the US to commit infanticide? Holy shit.

More: Don’t fall for Trump’s absurd attempt to skirt the abortion issue


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