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Monday, May 27, 2024

Two views

In the news, the world is outraged over an airstrike last night by the IDF in Rafah. And as usual, there are two different views of what happened.

The view most of the world's press has adopted is the one pushed by the terrorists: that Israel launched an airstrike against a tent camp of displaced civilians. Here's the press release from Hamas ...

“In light of the horrific Zionist massacre this evening committed by the criminal occupation army against the tents of the displaced…we call on the masses of our people in the West Bank, Jerusalem, the occupied territories and abroad to rise up and march angrily against the ongoing Zionist massacre against our people in the sector.”

The other view, from Israel, is that the IDF did not target the tent camp of civilians. They launched an airstrike against Hamas officials nearby, killing some of them, and that the fire at the tent camp was accidental. An ivestigation is underway (Shrapnel from Israeli strike may have ignited fuel tank near Rafah tents — report).


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