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Thursday, May 30, 2024


In The New York Times, an opinion piece by Bret Stephens ...

Do We Still Understand How Wars Are Won?

In the past 50 years, the United States has gotten good at losing wars .... But what about wars that are existential? ...

Today, Israel and Ukraine are engaged in the same kind of wars. We know that not because they say so but because their enemies do. Vladimir Putin believes that the Ukrainian state is a fiction. Hamas, Hezbollah and their patrons in Iran openly call for Israel to be wiped off the map. In response, both countries want to fight aggressively, with the view that they can achieve security only by destroying their enemies’ capability and will to wage war ....

Right now, the Biden administration is trying to restrain Israel and aid Ukraine .... In the long run, it’s a recipe for compelling our allies to lose ....


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