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Sunday, June 02, 2024

Biden's peace deal

Biden has spoken about a ceasefire/hostage release plan for the Israel/Hamas war, saying it is essentially the most recent plan put forth by Israel.

The actual document Biden is talking about is said to be four and a half pages long, so what he actually talked about leaves out a lot of detail. Still, here are the basics of the three-phase program he outlined (watch the video above) ...

1) Phase One would last six weeks. There would be a ceasefire, with Israel pulling back from populated areas in Gaza. Gazans could return to their homes throughout Gaza. A number of hostages held by Hamas would be released, and some of the dead hostages returned. Hundreds of Palestinian prisoners held in Israel would be released. Humanistarian aid would be surged into Gaza.

2) Phase Two would start after the 6 weeks, or however long that bit takes. The ceasefire would become permanent and Israel would withdraw from Gaza. The remaining living hostages would be returned.

3) In Phase three, Gaza would begin reconstruction and be rebuilt. The remaining dead hostages would be returned.

That's it. It leaves a lot out and makes a lot of assumptions ... it's hard to know what's really going one.

Examples ...

Biden said that finally the Gazans would be free and independent and able to choose their own government. Well, they have been free since 2005 when Israel left Gaza, and they did choose their own government ... Hamas.

Biden said the US will make Hezbollah leave the north of Israel alone. How? If they have that ability, why haven't they used it already?

Biden touted the wonders of Israel getting to be in a security network with Prince Bone-saw. A deal in which, by the way, we give the Saudis their own nuclear program. What could go wrong?

But most importantly, one of the main objectives of Israel in this war has been the destruction of Hamas. This has been an essential part of any plan for the future. And in his speech, Biden said that as of right now, this has been accomplished, and Hamas is no longer a threat to Israel.


At this time, Hamas is still shooting rockets at Israel, still killing IDF soldiers in Gaza. The four + Hamas batallions in Rafah are still extant, and Hamas fighters have retaken various parts of Gaza after the IDF cleaned them out earlier. The leadership of Hamas ... including Yahya Sinwar ... is still alive and well and working at Israel's destruction. This plan is just going to leave Hamas ... the rapists and the torturors and the kidnappers and the murderers ... alive and unpinished and living in a nice new rebuilt Gaza.

But having said all that, this may be the only way to get the hostages back. If that can really happen ... and I have doubts ... then maybe it's worth it for Israel.

Listen to what David Horovitz of The Times of Israel has to say about the plan ...


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