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Thursday, June 27, 2024

The debate

Holy sh*t!

I feel kind of sick after watching it. Trump lied non-stop, made ridiculous stuff up out of whole cloth, refused to answer almost every question put to him, and all the while the crazy was rising off of him like an appalling cologne. I can't understand how people think Trump won the debate. I would not vote for that thing if it was the last mammal on earth.


Blogger Katherine Nielsen said...

I didn't watch the debate. I wasn't up for that much anxiety. Everyone says that Biden lost. But Trump isn't a winner with all the lies and stuff he makes up. The real loser is the American people.
Now they are talking about a "brokered convention". I looked up some info on likely candidates if that happens. One name that was raised is your Cali governor, Gavin Newsom.

10:46 AM  
Blogger crystal said...

Yes, the news is full of Democrats calling for Biden to step aside, and Newsom is one of the most likely replacements. I hope that doesn't happen though. Biden did ramble and there were times he seemed to forget what he was talking about.

Having said that, he's been a pretty good president so far and I still think he has the best chance to beat Trump. Newsom is like the movie star version of the presidential candidate, but he isn't always honest, and his judgement .... he was married to Kimberly Guilfoyle!

11:11 AM  
Blogger Katherine Nielsen said...

I see that Kimberley G. is now engaged to Don Jr. That could get awkward, having your ex run against your father in law!
I would prefer that the Dems pick someone besides Newsom if Biden steps aside, maybe Pennsylvania's Shapiro. That might net them a swing state.
Not sure that Biden should step aside, he's still light years better than Trump.

1:41 PM  
Blogger crystal said...

The reason I mentioned Kimberly Guilfoyle is that she is really a disturbed person ... ... but anyway, I don't think Biden will give up and it would be really awkward if they tried to make him do that. i see in the news he is already fighting back against that idea. I do like Josh Shapiro, and John Fetterman too.

2:09 PM  

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