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Monday, July 22, 2024

Kamala Harris

Now that Joe Biden has officially ended his campaign for president in 2024, the press and elected Democrats ... you know, the ones who hounded him mercilessly to get out of the race ... well, they are all going on and on about what a great president and person Biden has been, about his wonderful legacy. You would think he had died, but I guess it's just that he's now "dead to them".

Their true focus is on who will take Biden's place. Most have endorsed Biden's choice ... Kamala Harris ... but a few prominent Democrats, like Pelosi and Obama, have not done so. Why not?

If Harris does get the nomination, who will she choose as her running mate? My favorite choice would be Mark Kelly. I really like him, and have done so since before he got into politics, when he was an astronaut. I like Josh Shapiro too, but I think Kelly would be more popular with voters.

Harris was my senator and I voted for her in the past in CA. But in a perfect world, I probably wouldn't have chosen her for president. For one thing, I don't think she will be as good a friend to Israel as Biden has been. And she doesn't sem as concerned about the elderly and the poor as someone like Bernie is.

And it still bugs me that the Democratic candidate for presient in 2024 will be someone no voters have voted for, but is instead chosen by the big wigs in the party. Not very democratic.


Blogger Steve Hampton said...


11:45 AM  
Blogger crystal said...

Hi Steve. Yes, she's got my support!

1:37 PM  

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