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Sunday, July 28, 2024

Maya Goren

People keep asking why the IDF is asking Palestinians in Gaza to move from one area of the humanitarian zone to another prior to sending troops in.

The answer is that Hamas has been hiding in the humanitarian zone among civilians, and the IDF has been getting intelligence about where those areas are.

It was intelligence from a terrorist detainee that led the Israeli army to find the bodies of five hostages killed on Oct 7 ... Hamas kidnaps dead people.

Thier bodies were not just inside a tunnel 60 feet under the humanitarian zone, but buried behind a wall of that tunnel. It's likely the families of these people would never have known what happened to their loved ones if that intelligence had not been gathered.

You can read more about the IDF action and the individual deceased hostages here ... Bodies of 5 hostages were found in tunnel in Gaza’s Israeli-designated humanitarian zone

Here's an article in The New York Post about the one female hostage, Maya Goren, a 56 year old teacher and mother of four ... IDF recovers body of kindergarten teacher kidnapped by Hamas on Oct. 7


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