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Thursday, July 11, 2024

The best way to predict the future is to invent it

A quote from the Well-Manicured Man from The X-Files (or was it Lincoln?). The Democratic party movers and shakers are trying to doom Biden's chance to be president again by creating a false narrative that they believe will result in a benefit to themselves.

From New York Magazine ...

George Clooney Is Here to Sink Joe Biden

[...] Before May, Clooney was in lockstep with the Biden campaign, bundling millions for his effort in 2020 — as he did for Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama (a friend) before him. But two months ago, Amal Clooney, the esteemed human-rights lawyer who happens to be the actor’s wife, sat on a review board that essentially greenlit the International Criminal Court prosecutor’s decision to apply for a warrant to charge Benjamin Netanyahu and Israeli defense minister Yoav Gallant with war crimes over the invasion in Gaza. (A recent calculation by The Lancet puts the civilian death toll in Gaza at around 186,000 people, roughly 8 percent of the territory’s population.) As the administration supplying Israel with its munitions to carry out the war, the Biden camp wasn’t thrilled by this action, coming from an international body that the U.S. is not even a party to. White House officials called the decision an “overreach,” while Secretary of State Antony Blinken reportedly told Republican senator Lindsey Graham he would “welcome working with you” on sanctioning ICC members.

With the prospect of his wife facing sanctions by the U.S. government, the Washington Post reported that Clooney texted Biden fundraiser and adviser Steve Ricchetti to express his concerns — and hinted that his support of the president was not unconditional ...

What bothers me is that famous big donors like Clooney, as well as Democratic politiccal insiders, feel that they have the right to decide who our party's candidate will be. But that has already been decided by the voters. Doesn't that matter to them? It looks like all that matters to them is political favor, money, power, and influence ... for themselves.

The way I feel right now, if they force another candidate on the Democratic party, I just won't vote at all. F*ck them - let's see how they fare under Trump.


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