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Location: United States

Sunday, October 20, 2024


Outside today with the camera. I haven't been out as much as usual lately because my knees have been bothering me. I'm trying to decide if I should/can get knee replacement surgery. Seems scary.

And meanwhile, the cats are having their own problems. Lately, Olive has been disappearing when it gets dark. He used to always be on his perch on the porch, like he is right now ...

But when it gets dark now, right after I feed them, he runs down the driveway and then down the street. I've tried to follow him, but by the time I get to the end of the driveway, he's disappeared. I'm so worried. Last night, he apparently got sprayed by a skink - PU!

And here is a kind of fuzzy photo of Snowy. She's really interested in something in the bushes under the pecan tree. She's saying 'don't bug me' ...


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