Unknown soldiers
On this day of a memorial service for George Floyd, Rachel Maddow discusses the scary phenomenon of mystery troops in DC. Because Washington DC is not a state, Trump is able to flood the area with troops of all sorts and from many states around the country ... military police, national guard, park police, state prison guards, secret service, etc. None of them are wearing insignias or name plates, so are they really US troops at all? I mean, they could be mercenaries supplied by EriK Prince for all we know.
Here's a photo from The New York Times (How Trump’s Idea for a Photo Op Led to Havoc in a Park) that identifies some of the troops that attacked peaceful protestors so Trump could get a photo op ... ...

Why is this necessary? Is DC totally overrun by terrorists, as Trump and Barr avow? No. It's rather that Trump desperately needs to erase from public knowledge the fact that when the protests began he was hiding in his bunker like a coward.
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