Jesus' friend, Martha

Tuesday is the Memorial of Saint Martha (the reading - Jn 11:19-27) and I thought I'd post some pictures of her from the film Jesus, one of the few Jesus movies I've seen that depicts her.

- Mary, Lazarus, Martha, and Joseph ... near the beginning of the movie, Joseph and Jesus visit the home of Martha

- Jesus arrives at Martha's house too late to save Lazarus' life

- Martha tells Jesus if he'd been there, her brother would still be alive

- Martha, the brought-back-to-life Lazarus, and Mary
I really have to see this. I'm intrigued by the idea of Jeremy Sisto as Jesus.
Meg finally watched it and said she really liked it.
Did I just miss them or have there been theological disputes around "special case" resurrections - I believe there are several in the NT, with Lazarus the best known - vs. the general resurrection of the dead?
That looks like a regular body in the photo and not the "spiritual body" St. Paul talks about. And that's the impression you get from the NT - that although Jesus' appearances had an other worldly quality, the folks he made rise from the dead all just got their regular bodies back as they were just before they died. Well, not exactly, otherwise they would have immediately re-died.
You'd think there'd have been a lot of controversy about whether Lazarus and the others went on to die later on or whether they're still here, awaiting the general resurrection.
Hi Paul,
Yes, there were at least two other people raised from the dead like Lazarus, I think - a little girl and the son of the widow of Naim. I wonder, though, if those are thought of as resurrections, like that of Jesus, or instead reanimations - the rejoining of an earthly body with the soul after a temporary separation. Intersting question. I think that Lazarus was said to have been murdered shortly after he was brought back to life.
I'm assuming you're okay after the earthquake down south? Did you feel anything?
You have a bathing suit ready? Just in case you wind up being the coastline?
I was out mowing the lawn but I didn't feel anything. Still sort of scary. Reminds me of that old Charlton Heston movie with Ava Gardner and an earthquake in LA .... ended badly for Chuck.
Are you tired of scabulous?
Uh-oh, once again, I haven't been getting any emails from you.
But, you know, I think Scrabulous may be done for now. When you go to it from Facebook, it's no longer available. It was an unauthorized version of Scrabble, and now the official Scrabble has added their own game to Facebook. It's horrible, to be honest. I know many people are upset by the whole thing.
Having said that, I'll go back to me account and see if there have been any emails going to my Spam file, though I checked it recently and didn't see anything from you.
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I'm definitely mourning Scrabulous. :(
Scrabulous seems to be surviving here -
Crystal - My fault. I thought I had played on the last email I had from you. Maybe I forgot to hit Play Word, I don't know. But I played my move.
Thanks for the link to Scrabulous. I'll check it out.
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