From Farscape to Stargate Continuum

- the Goa'uld Ba'al in his parasitic form
Remember the science fiction series Farscape? When the show was canceled, two of the actors of that series joined the cast of one of my favorite sci fi shows, Stargate SG-1. As Wikipedia writes ....
One of the stranger results of Farscape's cancellation was that Ben Browder [John Crichton] and Claudia Black [Aeryn Sun,] wound up as major characters in the later seasons of the long running SF series Stargate SG-1. A fantasy sequence in the Stargate episode "200" parodied Farscape, with Black reprising Aeryn, but with Browder playing Stark and other Stargate cast members playing Crichton, Chiana, and D'Argo (Crichton was played by Michael Shanks, due to an in joke with the cast and crew, that Browder and Shanks looked very much alike). This parody poked fun at the cult status of the show and its use of made up alien curse words. Coincidentally, the announcement of Stargate's own cancellation was made immediately after this episode ran.
Well, this week's movie rental was Stargate: Continuum, a direct to DVD time travel film starring the cast of the last year of Stargate SG-1 ...... Ben Browder as Colonel Cameron Mitchell and Claudia Black as Vala Mal Doran and Qetesh, plus of course, Richard Dean Anderson as General Jack O'Neill, Amanda Tapping as Colonel Samantha Carter, Christopher Judge as Teal'c, and Michael Shanks as Dr. Daniel Jackson. The story takes place just a bit after the series ended and begins with the team about to go off world to view the extraction of the last evil Goa'uld System Lord, Ba'al, from his human host's body.
It was too much fun :) and I recommend it ...... part of the movie was filmed at the U.S. Navy's Applied Physics Laboratory Ice Station in the Arctic and one of the scenes has the real Navy submarine USS Alexandria bursting through the ice into the Arctic air. I don't want to spoil the surprises if you plan to rent the film, and you can read the detailed plot at the Wikipedia link, but here are a few pics from the movie .....

- Daniel, Cameron (Ben Browder) and Sam aboard the submarine Alexandria in the Arctic. Daniel loses his leg to frostbite.

- Ba'al and Qetesh (Claudia Black)

- Sam searches for the best solar flare to help with time travel
And here's a YouTube of the trailer for Stargate Continuum ....
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