I wish, with all my heart, to be buried in Fr Ambrose St John's grave

- Newman's burial site in the cemetery at the Oratory House, Rednal, on the outskirts of Birmingham
My latest movie rental from the library is one I've seen before - Stigmata - and with it's story of a Vatican postulator charged with determining the authenticity of certain miracles, my thoughts turned to John Henry Newman ... I'd been reading about his Vatican inspired disinternment, dismemberment for the sake of relics, and re-entombment.
There's some controversy about this uprooting. For one thing, Newman isn't yet a saint. As wikipedia writes ....
In 1991, Newman was proclaimed venerable after a thorough examination of his life and work by the Sacred Congregation for the Causes of Saints. One miracle attributed to Newman's intercession must occur and be fully investigated and approved by the Vatican before he can be beatified. A second miracle would then be necessary for his canonization ....
Another reason for the controversy is that Newman expressly asked to be buried and to remain buried where he now lies, sharing a grave with his life-long companion, Ambrose St John, a fellow Oratorian. As an article from 2001 in The Tablet notes ....
In a note written on 23 July 1876, the year following the death of Ambrose St John, he declared: I wish, with all my heart, to be buried in Fr Ambrose St John?s grave - and I give this as my last, my imperative will.
Some have said the Vatican is having Newman's body moved because they're afraid people will think he's gay, and some think that they may be moving him (and parting him out) for pro-Catholic flag waving purposes. I do not know, myself, but if I had a vote, I'd say let him remain where he wanted to lie, with his friend, near his home.
Cardinal Newman - Christina Rossetti
“In the grave, whither thou goest.”
O weary Champion of the Cross, lie still:
Sleep thou at length the all-embracing sleep:
Long was thy sowing day, rest now and reap:
Thy fast was long, feast now thy spirit’s fill.
Yea, take thy fill of love, because thy will
Chose love not in the shallows but the deep:
Thy tides were springtides, set against the neap
Of calmer souls: thy flood rebuked their rill.
Now night has come to thee—please God, of rest:
So some time must it come to every man;
To first and last, where many last are first.
Now fixed and finished thine eternal plan,
Thy best has done its best, thy worst its worst:
Thy best its best, please God, thy best its best.
There's a long history of the "translation" of relics from one place to the other, but if the guy was specific about resting somewhere, that should be respected.
I personally don't mind being dismembered, as long as they wait until I'm dead to do it.
What can I say except that we all deserve to be Loved but I can't do it without God's help.
Can I have a piece of you after you've gone? :)
That makes me think of St, Nick's relics, which ended up in Bari, (I think) one of the few places you've never visited - heh.
Hi Victor - me either.
Sorry -- couldn't resist.
Crystal, I know catholicism is a big tent, but thank heavens for the catholics I know and the bloggers. This relic stuff, and fabricated "miracles", and apparition---boy your faith has to be strong not to be upset by this baloney. Sorry to be blunt, but this an insult to Newman. Jack
wikipedia mentioned two miracles attributed to Newman, both happening in the US and health related, I think. I must admit a bit of skepticism in this particular instance, but I do believe in the existence of miracles in general.
Relics are a whole other thing. I can't decide if they are grusome or just really cool :)
Liam, Ha :) Just a small bit. I saw that they have a Jesuit martyr's eyeball on display now at St Francis Xavier's, Liverpool.
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