Christianity in India

- I remember this from art history :) ... the Khajuraho group of monuments, medieval Hindu and Jain temples, known for their sculpture. Click to enlarge. See a photo gallery of the monuments here
I've been reading about the problems between Christians and Hindus in India. I'm interested because I have this backlog of info on India swirling around in my head .... stuff about Yogananda and Krishnamurti from when I was a teen, later stuff from Hermann Hesse's Siddhartha, MM Kaye novels, and later even stuff about Bede Griffiths, and the Jesuit swamis.
I don't really understand what's going on with the present violence, though I've read a few articles at America magazine's blog and at the Catholic Herald ...... they described the violence by Hndus against Christians, but did not go into great detail about the reasons for it. I looked around and didn't find much more, but for those who are interested, I did see a few things by Jesuits on Christian-Hindu relations. One is an article at Thinking Faith (the British Jesuits) - India: Religion in a Land of Contrasts. Another is a news story from a few days ago - Indian priests at Marquette talk of anti-Christian violence. The third is a 2003 article by a Jesuit who teaches theology at Vidyajyoti College of Theology, Delhi, in the National Catholic Reporter - Pruning pride and prejudice: Dialogue in India. I'm a little queasy about the whole missionary thing, but I think, from the little I've read, that what's wrong is more complicated than just a reaction against having an alien religion pushed - something to do with the poor and caste systems? Still, I'm too dense to really get it - maybe you'll have more luck.
I had written this comment in your last post and it was on it’s way but there was a problem and I can see now what it was. I don’t know why you deleted the piece but below is the comment that I made about it so here it is just the same. I send this now and then read your new post. OK!:)
Call me an old sentimental but for what’s it’s worth I believe that your Rainbow Bridge story is a spiritual reality fact and I’ll go as far as to wager a few cells from my own heart that if we have enough faith, God Our Father can place all of Adam and Eve’s paradise pets into simply one of His Invisible Heart Cell and have Endless room left for all His Children.
Earlier this evening, after my wife and I were getting out of our car and going into our house, a fair size black dog came running up to me and for a split second it scared me when our cat Tiger saw him. Tiger was about ten feet from me and his back went way Up and he stayed in that position for a good minute. I politely told him to behave and to make a long story short, I only had to bring “Gracie” half way home because a little girl was looking for her. I spoke to God's little one for less than a minute and I can’t recall the last time that I’ve ever seen so much joy in a child’s eyes. There was no questions that it was her dog and she put her leash on and I returned home to tell my wife what happened.
I’ll close by saying that when someone says that our brother, sister and/or favorite pet is in a part of our heart why is it so hard to believe?
By the way I’ve deleted a few post in my days also. (lol)
God Bless
Hi Victor,
Thanks for re-posting your comment. I deleted the post before your comment appeared. I started thinking maybe my friend wouldn't want me to share his grief with everyone after all, so that's why I took down the post. I think you're right :)
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