
Friday night Kermit's ashes came home from the vet clinic. I've been sad about it all weekend and today when my sister dropped by, she decided to cheer me up by us visiting Apple's movie trailer site. I'd never been there before because my old internet connection was too slow to watch videos. We saw some trailers that embodied what I love most about the movies ...... the ability to realistically portray what can't be real, or to put it more succinctly, special effects.
Here are a few of the movies -
The Day the Earth Stood Still, a remake of the great 50s film with Michael Rennie (Klaatu barada nikto). It stars Keanu Reeves as an alien who visits Earth to assess whether we have the will and ability to stop destroying our planet.

- the mother ship?
Terminator Salvation, which is the 4th Terminator film and stars Christian Bale as an adult John Connor, the son of Sarah Conner of the original film. The story is set in 2018 and focuses on the war between humanity and the machines employed by Skynet. Time paradoxes abound as John hangs out with his soon to be father, Kyle Reese. Sadly, this is the first Terminator movie without Arnold.
Star Trek, which follows James T. Kirk (Chris Pine) enrolling at Starfleet Academy, his first meeting with Spock (Zachary Quinto), and their battles with Romulans from the future, who are interfering with history. Leonard Nimoy plays Spock's older self, time-traveling.

- Spock's mom (Wynona Ryder) and dad (Ben Cross) on Vulcan
Yes, I like science fiction, but I like fantasy too and one of the trailers I especially liked was for a movie adapted from the book of the same name, Inkheart. It stars Brendan Fraser and Helen Mirren and tells the tale of Mo (Frasier) who has the ability to bring to life the characters in the books he's reading. Here below is a YouTube of the trailer (the trailers at the Apple site are sharper but I don't know how to embed them) .......
The last one looks pretty cool, especially since I'm a huge Brendan Frasier fan. From the wiki article, it looks like they've had problems getting off the ground.
Hi Liam,
I like Brendan Frasier too ... the Mummy :) Maybe it will turn out to be a series - I saw at the library that there are a couple of sequels to the book.
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