X-Men Origins: Wolverine

- Hugh Jackman as Wolverine
This week's movie rental wsa X-Men Origins: Wolverine, starring Hugh Jackman. A prequel to the other X-Men movies, it tells the story of how Logan became Wolverine and ended up with no memory of his past. Sadly, I didn't like it all that much, and Roger Ebert gave it just 2 stars in his review. It did have a lot of action and some nice stunts, though. Here are some pics ....

- Jackman as Wolverine and his brother Sabertooth (Liev Schreiber) about to be shot by a firing squad after killing a superior officer while serving in Vietnam

- Logan gets the fictional meteoric alloy Adamantium fused to his bones

- Remy LeBeau, a card-playing mutant Logan searches for in New Orleans ....

- ....leads him to the bad guy's hideout on Three Mile Island (nope, you can't make this stuff up :)
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