Jesus begins the journey

Here are two video clips from the movie Jesus that show how Jesus (might have) started on his journey to baptism.
The first begins in Jesus' home, where he, Joseph, and Mary are discussing how much they and their community are suffering under the Romans and the tax collectors. Joseph says "When will there be an end to the suffering of our people?" and Jesus, disturbed, says, "Are you asking me?" Joseph just stares at him. Jesus continues, "Are you telling me I can end the suffering?" No one says a thing, and Jesus leaves the room, upset. Mary and Joseph discuss Jesus' mission or lack thereof, Mary comforts Jesus Then Joseph, still so upset, suffers (perhaps) a heart attack and perishes. Joseph is laid to rest, Jesus asks God to bring him back, to no avail. Afterwards Jesus tries to carry on as a carpenter but it's no good. His mom encourages him to follow his calling instead ....
Jesus reluctantly leaves home, stopping on the way to the River Jordan and his cousin John to explain to Mary of Bethany that he can't marry her because he has a religious calling ... "I'm not who you think I am ... my life is not my own." Jesus then reconnects with John, who he hasn't seen since they were kids, and asks if he can be baptized ......
So much of how I see Jesus myself has to do with this movie, which I first watched while making a retreat years ago. I don't know if that's a good or a bad thing :) but the film does really touch me. You can watch the whole movie in parts on YouTube here.
For some reason I always think of "Jesus of Nazareth"--the 1977 TV miniseries--as the definitive treatment of Jesus on film. Don't know if that's a good or bad thing.
Hi Lee,
I like that one too. I just re-watched it a few months ago and posted about it ... part 1, part 2a. and part 2b. A great movie :)
Hi crystal,
I'm almost sure that no matter how many clips we God's Children will look at made about Jesus, most will probably believe that we humans will never in this world completely understand God and His Blessed Family.
Some might make a movie of Jesus being baptised by John The Baptist and convince us that He truly wanted U>S usual sinners to know that He was just paving the way for each and every "ONE" of our cells to be saved in time. They might even make "IT" good enough that some might believe that God and His Son Jesus can really control time as if He sits in front of a Time Hypnotic circle wheel watching cells being beamed here and there all over galaxies of time.
A very good spiritual and loving E.S.P.scientific film maker like Run Howard, might even show U>S (usual sinners)how Godly Cells attached themselves to The Sacred Heart of Jesus while "IT" is still beating after His Birth and show U>S The Angels that Mother Mary had already covered Him with on that cold night when She gave Birth.
Wouldn't "IT" be something if some director made a movie about Christ on His Cross making believe that He chose to carry "IT" of His OWN Free Will so that we could live as God really does someday in the future if we so allow HIM and His Angels to will "IT" for us His Children.
I can almost see "IT" NOW on the cross! The movie then shows us in living 3 D colors, dead cells hoarding on top of the already Godly Cells who have suffered for years protecting Jesus' Sacred Heart and then the dark angels who are working for the producer let's us hear these dead cells yell from The Body of Christ while He's still nailed to His Cross something like, My God! My God! Why have You forsaken me, myslef and I?
I hear ya! No kitting Victor! There's no limits to the movie versions that humanity can think
UP about Jesus The Christ and folks, remember that you read "IT" here first and if they do make any of these movie versions, Victor and I want our fair share of the royalties. :)
Happy New Year again Crystal
God Bless Peace
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