Werewolves in Chicago

My latest book from the library is Fool Moon by Jim Butcher. It's the second book in The Dresden Files series about private eye/wizard Harry Dresden - I've been having to read the books out of order, so though I've now read all but two, I'm only just now getting to this one. When I checked the book out, the librarian told me the science fiction book club there had chosen to read all The Dresden Files books next :) Here's a little bit from one of the customer reviews at the Amazon page ...
In the final analysis, "Fool Moon" is more about learning to trust than about foiling werewolves, more about self discovery than arcane knowledge, more about the demons in Harry's heart than those in his summoning circle. In other words, it is about Harry Dresden himself, a hero of pure intention, tremendous power, and courage in the face of unspeakable danger, who just happens to be afraid to meet his own eyes in the mirror. He infers the blackness of his own soul from the reactions of others brash or foolish enough to meet his gaze. And he fears that the kind of knowledge that has so blackened him will be at least as destructive to others. Harry's struggle to come to terms with himself and those he cares about, his faltering advances and all-too-frequent backslides, are what really keep the reader turning the pages. They are also what keep Harry half a step behind the villains until it is almost too late.
I've read a few other books that mention werewolves, like Blood Trail by Tanya Huff and The Wolfen by Whitley Streiber, but as the blurb above states, it's really the evolution of the main character, Harry Dresden, that keeps me reading the books of the series. You can read a sample chapter of Fool Moon here.

- cover art of Blood Trail by Tanya Huff
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