
- more from US Catholic's series on people's prayer styles - More Catholics share how they pray (the first post is here). I didn't realize so many people practiced devotional prayers like adoration, the rosary, and my unfavorite, the novena, which seems a kind of magical gumball machine prayer ;)
- beautiful photos of Siamese Fighting Fish
- I can't help thinking of celebrity deathmatch as I watch the unfolding dust-up between Prefect of the Congregation for the Faith, Gerhard Müller, and Archbishop of Munich, Reinhard Marx ... it's all about the Catholic view of marriage/divorce, Communion, and God's character. The latest from Müller: Müller dismisses diocese of Freiburg’s proposal on remarried Catholics. The latest from Marx: “Müller cannot stop discussions” relating to remarried divorcees. I hope Marx wins the argument.
- Bad Blood, the article written by the British journalist Will Storr about the 2006 Po-210 killing of the Russian dissident Alexander Litvinenko in London. Interesting - I've seen a number of references to the death in spy novels.
- The Mysterious Tool-Making Culture Shared by Crows and Humans ...
But I like gumballs
The worthiness of gumballs isn't in question, it's the method of obtaining them ;)
Ahh... Hammer?
I mean - what's the deal with the magic number nine? A novena is like a spell. It seems to say that if you put your penny in the gumball machine and turn the switch, the saint you're praying to is compelled to answer positively: you get your gumball. It seems a bit creepy, but maybe I'm not understanding it very well?
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