What I thought about today

- reading about St Walburge's Church
- Ancient Egyptian Mummy Found With Brain, No Heart. This reminded me of ancient art history class, in which we learned about canopic jars, and a ceramics class in which I made one :)
- Beautiful gecko!
- The Catholic church must apologise for its role in Rwanda's genocide. This reminded me of my past post: The Church and Rwanda
- From Michael O’Loughlin: Why does progressive Pope Francis allow anti-gay bishops to preach hate? ... and related ... The Pope’s Tone Softens — But The Vatican Is Still Fighting LGBT Rights Around The World
- Finally, I looked up a clip from the movie The Gospel of John showing Jesus (Henry Ian Cusick) raising Lazarus. I have many questions about this event ... why did Jesus wait until Lazarus died ... why is this raising from the dead so much more politically volatile than the raising of the little girl or the guy in Nain ... why did he raise them: is being alive better than being dead? ....
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