The bread of life and the church as a firewall

I hate all these arguments at the synod about who is worthy of communion. The very idea that people need to pass some test in order to take part in communion has nothing to do with Jesus ... Jesus liked to feed people. Whether it was the 4,000, the 5,000, Judas at the Last Supper or Mary Magdalene, no one who desired to eat at his table was turned away (The Tablet).
Some in the church would like to believe they are the firewall around God, protecting him and us from unscripted interaction with each other. But they *cannot* come between us and God, for, as Ignatius of Loyola wrote, "the Creator [deals]l directly with the creature, and the creature directly with his Creator and Lord" (SE, 15th annotation), and as John has Jesus saying, "I am the bread of life .... I will never turn away anyone who comes to me" (John 6:35-37) :) ....
Ah, I wish you were a delegate at the synod.
Hee hee. Nope, they'd never let someone like me talk there :)
At least they seem to be fighting about it...
Hi Richard,
Yes, it is interesting that they are fighting and that it's ok with the pope - what a difference from JPII and B16!
But reading John O'Malley's book, What Happened at Vatican II - those bishops back then really let it all hang out :) much more so than now, I think.
And these guys, they're arguing but always only within the box. I mean, they assume so much, like that the church must take what Jesus said about divorce literally, that Humanae Vitae was right on contraception, etc. All they are really arguing about is whether the "bad" people - those who are divorced/remarried without an annulment and those who use contraception - deserve mercy or not. They won't question the underlying doctrines that a majority of Catholics have already ditched as hopeless.
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