
- It's election day ... go out and vote!!!!
- An interesting article on hell, heaven, and purgatory from Josep Giménez SJ here at Thinking Faith
- There's an article at NCR about Brittany Maynard's decision to end her life and the article asks whether suffering has value. I think the idea that suffering has some intrinsic value, that people like Brittany Maynard should embrace their suffering, is wrong and creepy. I believe David Bentley Hart and Karen Kilby would agree with me.
- Oh no :( Pope Francis to open Vatican conference on traditional marriage ... it looks to be another version of the infamous Manhattan Declaration thing. It's going to be chock full of conservatives from many different denominations and religions, including a rep from the Mormon church ... is it only me who finds it ironic that a spokesperson from a church that once advocates polygamy should talk at a traditional marriage fest?
- Here's an explanation of why Sleepy Hollow is better than Gotham. I've not watched Gotham but I love Sleepy Hollow! ....
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