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Friday, November 02, 2018

Trump: what women want

Trump gave a speech on the immigrant caravan yesterday from the Roosevelt Room, in which he said, among other things, that the army would consider rocks that were thrown at him as firearms and shoot back (which, if on American soil and if lethal, would be manslaughter/murder).

Trump also opined that the women of the US don't want those scary male migrants coming here and that what women really want most of all is "security". He's not speaking to women here, of course, but to other white men, and the message is "hey guys, we can't allow our property (women) to be appropriated by those out-group males".

Women aren't domesticated animals or pieces of cake - we are people who want basically the same things men do. The reason Trump thinks women want security is because the only women who spend time with him are those who want money/power.


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