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Wednesday, January 16, 2019


As the shutdown continues, we have to wonder, as did Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, where the hell Mitch McConnell is. He's the one person who could quickly end the government shutdown by allowing bills to open the government to make it to the senate floor. He knows these bills would pass, and most likely with a surplus high enough to overturn Trump's veto, but he won't allow them to be voted on. Why not? Because he apparently works for Trump, not the American people.


Blogger Katherine Nielsen said...

Everybody knows McConnell is a reptile. My idea for fixing the mess? Lock everybody, Trump and the legislators, in a room, and tell them nobody gets to go home until they figure out a solution. No wifi, no access to news outlets. Gve them some cold pizza and flat Mountain Dew for sustenance. If they get tired, tell them to pull up a floor and lay down. My guess is it would take less than 24 hours for something to get worked out.

1:34 PM  
Blogger crystal said...

Cold pizza :) If only we could do that! I bet there would be no more shutdowns if congress's salary was held up too.

8:56 PM  

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